Sunday, Jan. 22, 2023: Opening Salvo into the Year

 Hi friends, I had hoped to be able to meet earlier in the month before many returned to college, but alas, the Schwagers were hit with quite a few colds/flus, so that wasn't happening. 

We are moving forward with something that I think you will enjoy a great deal: Salvo. Salvo is a Christian apologetics and news type of magazine geared for young adults. The articles are never particularly long or exceptionally challenging to follow, but they engage important topics from a god-honoring perspective. 

I purchased paper copies for you all! This current issue cover issues from Aliens to "A Lyrical Life" (being a mother and musical artist and performer) to a short history of hallucinogenic mushrooms to Pride and Prejudice marriage examples...and so much in between.

Dane's birthday was yesterday, so his family is preparing a wonderful dinner for him tonight, and he'll be missed. 

See you at 4pm. Meris has been working on a delicious dinner for two days. Invite your friends. In Christ, the Schwagers