Chateau Schwager

Dear friends,

We meet back at chateau Schwager (51 Roosevelt St. in Watsonville) at 7pm to finish our first Hart a bit of our own babblings (should anyone bring some)...and treat a bit o' Chesterton.
Three pieces of mandatory information:
  1. The Sept./Oct. edition of Gilbert features an editorial that opens with this line from G.K.C.: "The obvious result of frivolous divorces will be frivolous marriages." That's from his 1920 book The Superstition of Divorce and reminds me why I love Chesterton so.  Perhaps I'll read the brief editorial to you. 
  2. Chesterton (and Tolkien) have craters on Mercury named after them.  I do wonder if NASA did its math correctly, for a Chestertonian asteroid would certainly have made the mark given to Prokofiev.  And Prokofiev?   He'd have conducted himself much more gracefully, I'm sure. 
  3. Chesterton would often answer questions posed to him in the newspaper.  Here's a gem from the Illustrated London News, Nov. 25, 1905:
Dear Mr. Chesterton,
    What's the difference between savages and modern artists?
                                                                             A. W.
Dear A. W.,
     Savages and modern artists are alike strangely driven to create something uglier than themselves.  But the artists find it harder. 
                                                                              Your friend,
                                                                              G. K. Chesterton

My son fell into a fit of delight when he stumbled upon that exchange...and I pass the delight onto you.
