A Call for Your Poems, Stories, and Such

Hi Chestertonians!

Mr. Talley had a great idea: let's put some of our creative writing on the blog.  If you read and would not mind me posting your work on our blog, please send me a copy of whatever I can put up (in a doc or anything I can copy-paste from).  The first things that come to mind are Mr. Carlson's planetary poetry, Mr. Farley's imitative poetry, Mr. O'Donnell's poetry of life and death, and Mr. Flores' limerick.  For any who wish, I can also make you a blog editor, and you may post whatever you wish.  I'm sure I'm missing some goodness in the list, so please remind me.

This would also help so that others could read your work on their devices while you read to us.  We could give better feedback without anyone having to print out copies.  We could even leave feedback as comments if we wish. 

