Reivew of Chesterton's Birthday; May Meeting: Do the Math, Part I

Thank you for turning 139, G. K. C.!  Thank you, Susie, for all the blessings you brought!  Thanks to my wife for the glorious strawberry rhubarb crumble.  I ate so much I couldn't sleep.  Hehehe.  Thanks to Joe for sharing from his book as he adds his final flourishes for publication.  Our theme was "Do the Math," and, thankfully, we had three attendees who were stronger in the math and science departments to help the rest of us out.  Since we've generally read prose since Christmas, I gave myself the challenge of finding science and math themes from Chesterton's verse.  For those who couldn't come but would like to follow along, we read the following (just email me for copies):
  • "Beneath a Microscope"
  • "The Broad-Minded Child's Religious and Philosophical Alphabet"
  • "IV. Arithmetic"
  • "The Hygenists in Heaven"
  • "The Experimentalist"
  • "An Agreement"
  • Selections from Stanley L. Jaki's lectures on "Chesterton, A Seer of Science"