We Meet Again!

Greetings Chestertonians!

Thank you for your patience with me as my wife and I gave our baby (and ourselves) a few months to adjust to new sleep schedules a such.  Next week will be our first meeting back in action.  We will commence at the same time (7pm) in the same place (51 Roosevelt St., Watsonville, Ca) as in the past.  

Next Week's Readings
  • Let's begin our new season with the first publications of Chesterton.  Here are links to GKC's first two books.  You may read them on a device or pick up a printed copy.  If the ideas don't all seem like the Chesterton you know, remember that these were published in 1900, when Chesterton was still completing his move from atheism to theism.  He wouldn't organize his ideas (more-or-less formally) until 1908 (when he published them in Orthodoxy). 
  • So, you don't need to read anything before we meet; I simply provided the links for Wednesday night's reading. 
  • I probably should put this in another color or make reindeer jump across your screen right now because...Dale Ahlquist (as in the President of everything Chesteronian) and Dr. John Chalberg (GKC dramatist and lecturer) will be meeting with us on Thursday, Oct. 1.  I will be organizing a larger venue for the event and publicizing it.  I'll discuss more details on Wednesday, but this is exceptionally good news for us.  
Marcus ("Kusie") Schwager